Vegaplus 1000 machine ups heavy-duty bag production at CTP Flex

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PHOTO: The new Universal Vegaplus 1000 spine seal machine at CTP Flexibles in Ndabeni can produce 25kg bulk bags at a rate of up to 90 bags/minute with patch handle application. High production rates like this are necessary for manufacturers to be competitive in the bulk feed/commodity markets. The machine is part of a multi-million investment by CTP Flexibles, which is part of the Caxton group


CTP Flexibles in Cape Town, continuing with its capex programme, has recently commissioned a heavy-duty bag making machine, a Mamata system with significant new capabilities including patch handle application.

The Vegaplus 1000 bagmaker, from Mamata Machinery of India, is designed specifically for the manufacture of bags for pet food or commodities such as agricultural produce, personal hygiene, chemicals and other raw materials up to 25kgs weight.

The plus for the CTP production team was that the Vega unit met all nameplate capabilities exactly: the supplier, Adex of Johannesburg, advised that the machine could produce 25kg bags at a rate of up to 90 bags a minute, which is no mean feat when considering that the line also attaches a patch handle, including a reinforced section, in a process which would normally reduce machine speed. The desired rate was achieved exactly, plus some.

The new design Mamata machine also has a unique seal head system that enables it to achieve impressively quick changeovers: switches from bottom to side or twin-seal format can be run in under 10 minutes.

Being modular, as most bagmakers are today, allows the manufacturer to add additional stations or switch existing stations with relative ease too.

The Vegaplus 1000 machine replaces a machine estimated to be about 30 years old that was still operating nicely but was not able to meet the speed or extra fixture requirements.


‘Orders’ “Orders for the new machine are being driven by our sales team,” said to CTP Flex general manager Alan Booth, adding that they were excited to be able to offer the patch handle capability, which is now virtually essential in the 25kg-plus bag area.

“It’s a sector we wanted to break into,” said Booth, expressing his satisfaction with the multi-million current project.

CTP Flex’s capex roll-out saw it earlier this year complete the commissioning of its second major Windmöller & Hölscher co-ex line, giving it the film capacity to readily produce multi-layer films up to 125 micron, and print on-site at its plant in Ndabeni in Cape Town too, to keep its bagmakers more busy on an on-going basis.